a r t,    t y p o g r a p h y,  a r c h i t e c t u r e

P U B L I C   A R T   
   E D U C A T I O N      


Participatory mural with words written by chidren: alegría (joy), país (country), paz (peace), amor (love), familia (family) Negro Primero School, Caucaguita, Venezuela
Project in alliance with Trazando Espacios Públicos and Fundación Chamos


Inspired by the artistic practice of the studio, we design series of workshops. 

We focus in getting to know each individual and we create personalized workshops that at the same time are part of a whole, a group, a community.

We aim to highlight individual virtues, individual energy,  our connection with the universe, the limitless of imagination, creativity as a toll to create life, and to balance our individual and collective roles within society. 

Our experience delivering workshops ranges from groups of children to adults with special needs. 

Names of workshops:
A composition of stars 
The Point

Words world worlds (creative writing)
Creating stories
  (creative writing)
w o r d s      w o r l d      w o r l d s