a r t,    t y p o g r a p h y,  a r c h i t e c t u r e

It does no good the good you pretend to do

it do
no go
oog th
go yo
u pre
to do           (poem by Steven J Fowler)

the analysis:
- the good we pretend to do
     * war, bullets
     * drug trade (when it builds economies, when helping people to gain allies…)

- poppy flower:
   * papaver Rhoeas --- poppy flower used as symbol of Remembrance  -   WAR
   * papaver somniferum --- poppy flower use to make opium and heroine   -    DRUGS

the poem:
poppy flower in its geometric essence
the statement is placed in the intersection between WAR & DRUGS

w o r d s      w o r l d      w o r l d s